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Inspiring Leaders and Teams to Communicate, Collaborate and Find Their A Game


Fired Up Friday

Brian Tracy Week

by in Book Writing

This week I have been selecting the most useful parts of my interview with Brian Tracy for use inside the new book, Fired Up. There was too much to include! Ahhh. There was GOLD inside that interview but I have too much to use in the book #niceproblemtohave.

So today I thought it would be useful for you to get an inside look at some of the strategies Brian has applied to himself that have helped him earn millions as a speaker and become one of the most sought-after success and sales strategists in the world today. You can apply these ideas whatever you do and where ever you are. So here goes….

What’s On Fire This Week

Brian’s take on Mountain climbing…..
You start off at the bottom and you just put one foot in front of the other and then you come back. There’s no great miracle to it. It’s how you get to the top; one step at a time.

Scorching Read of the Week

Eat that Frog  by Brian Tracy. Simple. Genius. Actionable.

Smokin’ Brian Tracy Quote of the Week

“Once you get going, it’s much easier to keep going. It’s part of the momentum principle of success”

Illuminating Revelation of the Week

“I love what I do. It’s a real simple answer. People ask me do you like what you do? – and I think to myself – what a dumb question… Why would you do it if you don’t enjoy it?”

Where Did You Shine This Week?
Do share. I’m not always on top of collecting them all together because I seem to be getting responses by email, Twitter, Facebook page, Facebook wall and messenger, but despite the fact it’s a bit all over the place I read them ALL and love getting them.

It brightens the weekend and I’m working out the best way to spread your achievements and accomplishments to brighten up other people too. Keep ’em coming and I’ll get there with the sharing soon. I’d appreciate your ideas on the most convenient way to share them. Is a Facebook group the way to go? Do let me know.

So, until next Friday
Keep your flame alight