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Inspiring Leaders and Teams to Communicate, Collaborate and Find Their A Game


Fired Up Friday #9

Where did you shine this week?

As featured in...
by in Sophie

This week has been a week of connections and coincidences, and that got me thinking. Do you only work for what you want – or is the Law of Attraction real? I’m a cause and effect person by nature. I’ve been results-driven all my life and haven’t had much time for ‘wishful thinking’ but with all the things just turning up, I’m starting to wonder if I have underestimated that side of things.

What’s On Fire This Week

Serendipity. The right people appearing at the right time. When you start believing, what you want starts happening for you. It’s not just me, it’s happening all over the place!

Scorching Read of the Week

Stealing Fire by Steven Kotler. Haven’t finished it yet, but it gives a very different perspective on creativity and flow.

Smokin’ Quote of the Week

Don’t force it. Allow it. It will come. Sophie Bennett. Hey, that’s me! I should be a writer…

Illuminating Revelation of the Week

You still have to set up the conditions for good stuff to happen. You need the knowledge and connections to make the most of the opportunities, and other people to help you when you are ready to use their help wisely.

If people say no, don’t take it personally. When you are ready, the right person will appear.

Where Did You Shine This Week?

As I’ve been slack Alice and haven’t emailed out for a few weeks (travel, glam lifestyle, picking up dog sick, speaking in USA and London, clearing up after #psychopuppy, looking after clients, nursing lame horse, helping peeps get their books finished – it’s all rock and roll here – don’t you know), I haven’t asked you for a while. So do get in touch and let me know how you are getting on. The good, the bad and the ugly. I want to hear it all!

So, until next Friday (maybe…)
Keep your flame alight
Sophie x