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Inspiring Leaders and Teams to Communicate, Collaborate and Find Their A Game


Fired Up Friday #8

Where did you shine this week?

As featured in...

I hope you are having a great start to the year. The holidays are often time to reflect, I have been reflecting on what I want more of and what I want less of in 2018. So with that theme in mind, here are some quick-fire ideas to get you FiredUp for the year ahead.

What’s On Fire This Week

Travel. If you can’t get on a plane, then just driving a different way to work or breaking your routine can induce a flurry of your most creative thoughts.

Scorching Read of the Week

Resonate by Nancy Duarte. It’s about how to transform potentially boring presentations into enthralling experiences.

Unfortunately my puppy a.k.a. #psychopuppy ate the front and back cover of my shiny new copy but thankfully the contents are still intact.

Smokin’ Quote of the Week

“Perseverance is the hard work you do after you get tired of doing the hard work you already did.” Newt Gingrich.

Illuminating Revelation of the Week

The difference between independence and isolation….. especially when you run your own business.

The first is great, the latter really sucks.

Where Did You Shine This Week?

Here’s a great idea that someone shared with me over the holidays.

Have a jar or a box that you can put notes into. When you get a success (large or small) write it on a note, date it, fold it up and put it in the jar. You soon realise how much you have to celebrate and boost your self-confidence with.

At the end of the week/month/year read all the notes and see how far you have come. And remember to share it with me by return email too!. I love to hear them and read every single response.

So, have a great start to the New Year and until next Friday
Keep your flame alight
Sophie x