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Inspiring Leaders and Teams to Communicate, Collaborate and Find Their A Game


Fired Up Friday

Be Inspired

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by in Sophie

Welcome to the latest edition of Fired Up Friday.

What’s On Fire This Week
Conversations with People.
The interviews for the book have reminded me how much business is about relationships, not deals. Great people inspire you to do great things, so find great people and listen to them!

Jim Rohn said you are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with, so choose wisely. Don’t let people with less fire than you sap your personal energy.

Scorching Read of the Week
Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance by Angela Duckworth.  If you have ever worried about not having enough talent to get to the top of whatever field you are in, this book is a must-read.

Smokin’ Quote of the Week

“If we over emphasise talent, we underemphasise everything else”

Angela Duckworth : Grit See above…..

Illuminating Revelation of the Week
I often joke about telepathy. You know that thing where you think about someone and the phone rings or a message from them appears within minutes or hours….. It’s happened twice this week. I’m starting to understand that we really are all connected. I believe that your thoughts really do travel.

Where Did You Shine This Week?
As always, I’d love to hear your success stories. From little things to big wins; progress generates energy and that’s contagious. Don’t keep it all to yourself. It has more power when you share it. Head over to the facebook page HERE and share your successes this week. If you are shy, then, by all means, email me instead. I read every single one.

So, until next Friday
Keep your flame alight