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Inspiring Leaders and Teams to Communicate, Collaborate and Find Their A Game


Fired Up Friday

Take time to talk & connect

As featured in...
by in Sophie

What’s On Fire This Week
Connecting with people. For all the messenger marketing, public speaking and book writing, nothing quite hits home like a good old-fashioned conversation. Done lots of them this week and it reminds me how powerful a good chat can be for all involved.

Scorching Read of the Week
Fish! Recommended by one of the leaders interviewed for the book, this simple yet powerful message is important for any one leading a team. There should be a plaice for it on every book shelf (sorry, couldn’t resist it).

Smokin’ Quotes of the Week

You have to be odd to be number one – Dr Seuss
Even if you are on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there – Will Rogers

Illuminating Revelation of the Week
I’ve learned that it’s easier to demotivate people than it is to motivate them. So why do we expend so much energy trying to light people up, when all we have to do is stop de-motivating them?  That’s the billion dollar question that I’m now aiming to answer in the book.

Lesson; light people up instead of throwing cold water over their ideas.

Where Did You Shine This Week?
I read every email, got some great ones last week and will be sharing over on the FB page…  Let me know what’s got you #FiredUp this week.

So, until next Friday
Keep your flame alight