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Inspiring Leaders and Teams to Communicate, Collaborate and Find Their A Game


Fired Up Friday

The Big Project for 2017

As featured in...
by in Book Writing

As you probably know, #FiredUp the book has been the Big Project this year and as I know many of the people who get this newsletter are experts in the field, so I thought it would probably help you to know what it’s like to write a book. This is my 3rd major work, so I’m settling into the rhythm and it goes like this.

Have great idea > get excited > plan the book (all good so far) > start writing > have too many ideas > start putting them all in > print the first draft > see there’s too much there > PANIC.

That’s where I am now. In PANIC phase. I’ll let you know the next part another day. I do know that this is the hardest part. It gets easier again in a couple of weeks time.

What I can share with you is that you know more than you can ever remember in one day, week or month. The more you write it down the more you realise that you have a ton of stuff to share and 10x more potential that you did last week.

What’s On Fire This Week

Post-it notes. Couldn’t live without ’em.

Scorching Read of the Week

Speed of Trust by Stephen M.R. Covey (son of 7 Habits Stephen Covey). Not always the easiest to read but a must for anyone running a business that knows the importance of company culture.

Smokin’ Quote of the Week

“Beware of advice—even this.”

Carl Sandburg

Illuminating Revelation of the Week

Look to others to guide you but you have to do the walking.

This is something I learned a long time ago when I was a professional dressage rider. My trainer could improve my performance 100%, but I was in the competition arena alone for the big moment – so I had to learn to think things through.

Guidance is great, just make sure you choose the right guide who helps you to think for yourself.

Where Did You Shine This Week?

As always, I’d love to know of your successes. We don’t celebrate those enough. Head over to my FB page and leave a comment on the FiredUp Friday post or reply to this email. I read every single response.


So, until next Friday
Keep your flame alight
Sophie x