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Inspiring Leaders and Teams to Communicate, Collaborate and Find Their A Game


Driven People – Inspired or Fearful?

As featured in...
by in Sophie

I’ve always been a driven person, but there have been times in my life when my drive ebbed away and I was worried if it would ever come back.

It was during one of those periods I wrote down a list of 50 people who I believed were driven people who might be able to point me in the right direction.

During the interviews, there was one question I asked which really shook people up. I asked these super high achievers this: when did you first recognise that you were highly driven?

What shocked me was that most of them instantly told a story from their childhood. Aged 27 or 77, it didn’t matter. They all remembered a childhood influence. Many of them could pinpoint a moment when they first got drawn to something.

One of the interviews was with a coach called Paul Rees. Paul had a very interesting take on why those childhood stories stick in our minds. He believes that often we excel to avoid disappointment – sometimes even to obliterate shame. Shame and disappointment are big drivers. We learn to insulate ourselves from it by succeeding in something to stand out – to prove that we are good enough.

What matters is that we keep searching for what we are born to do, and then do it to the best of our ability. That’s why the first book Driven, developed into Find Your Flame. I realised it wasn’t just about motivation, it was the story of ‘talent’ and what draws us to certain things.

If you haven’t ordered the book yet, and want to know more about what drives you, then I think you’ll find it fascinating and thought-provoking. It’s packed full of a mix of science, interviews, and stories from some really interesting people who have reached the top of their game.

You can get the book HERE

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To your success,
Sophie x
p.s. The Kindle version is also available now!