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Inspiring Leaders and Teams to Communicate, Collaborate and Find Their A Game


Clients In Action

As featured in...
by in Sophie

It was great to see a client in action speaking at a big event recently. Christian Kromme, who I helped to write his book and strategically plan his speaking career,  was on stage in London last week at the end of a worldwide tour for a financial client.

His message about our digital future had reached several thousand people in 6 cities in China and Australia. It was fascinating to see how his material had evolved, but the structure of the book enabled people to follow along with his presentation and his feedback scores were fabulous.

Another client has been asked to help re-write the Masters degree course at an important university and another is filling rooms with seminar attendees and booking out her diary with coaching clients. More about them later. In the meantime, if you think it’s time you stepped out of the shadows come and join me at this event in Birmingham or take a look at the 2019 Thought Leaders Mastermind, applications are now open!