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Inspiring Leaders and Teams to Communicate, Collaborate and Find Their A Game


What if Everything You Thought about Recharging Yourself was Wrong?

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by in Sophie

We all have a lot on our plates. It can be hard to keep up sometimes. Most business people tell me they are super busy and need a break! But what if you don’t have time to rest, how do you recharge?

The answer come from busy people with lots of energy. I have studied (and tried) what they do – and it works. They have simple techniques to change their brain and body chemistry and enhance their energy levels in ways that don’t involve ‘resting’. Here are the four things they build into their lives – even when they are short of time.

1 – Exercise. How many times have you found yourself skipping exercise because you were tired or you didn’t have time? The good news is that you don’t need much time. You don’t even need to leave the house. My personal favourite quick exercise hack is YouTube. There are thousands of free exercise and yoga videos you can play on your smartphone or stream to your TV. The only barrier to not doing it is holding onto the idea that 10 minutes isn’t worth doing. Don’t let your tired brain lie to you! Exercise changes your bio chemistry in your brain and your body and gives you an instant energy hit. (My personal favourite, is Cole Chance Yoga on YouTube.) Even 10 minutes of stretching can dramatically change how your day turns out.

2. Engage your brain with something new – read a good old fashioned non-fiction paper book! Getting your grey matter fired up with something interesting will often give you the energy you need to fire your day back up again. Your brain makes new neural connections that can change the direction of your thinking and mentally re-energise you. Reading longer form content also means you process, rather than just consume, new ideas – and being well read is good for your career too. It’s a smart move as well as an energising one.

3. If you lack energy, you are almost probably not moving enough. Hours sitting in the same position is really bad for your health. We know we shouldn’t do it, but we do it anyway and sometimes our jobs don’t give us much choice.

Your body did not evolve to sit in front of a screen! The good news is that even a small amount of movement changes your heart rate and can cause a dramatic shift in your bio chemistry. Getting up from your desk and doing a quick walk round the office gives your eyes a break and prevents the build up of toxins in your body and blood pooling around static body parts. If you want to be inspired to exercise more, read Dr. John J. Ratey’s book, Spark – How exercise will improve the performance of your brain. You will never think the same way about exercise again…..

4. Cut the sugar! So many of us live by bouncing from energy crash to sugar high and back again, that it’s become normal. It’s not normal! Having healthy alternatives to the chocolate vending machine and sugary snacks takes a little planning and some self discipline, but it’s worth it to get through the day without feeling exhausted.

The four tips here all help, but the most underestimated way to change how you feel is to shift your thinking. Try changing the conversation you have with yourself from saying “I need more rest” to instead saying to yourself “I need more energy”. That opens up a whole new range of options and potential ways to get yourself through the day with more bounce. _________________________________________________________
Sophie’s latest book Find Your Flame – Why Motivation Matters More Than Talent is full of inspiring ideas to help you get ahead and discover new ways to motivate yourself and others.